Family Care

KMC Family care is the only family care open through the week and out of hours. Also has Registered Nurses round the clock caring for the patients.
Family Care will be by appointments only.

Why Choose Our Family Care

We are an independent medical doctor owned practice, and the only family practice with registered
nurses on site around the clock. We are able to offer affordable pricing to our patients and extended
hours to meet everyone’s needs.

We strive for patients to stay in optimal health by offering preventative care. We also provide the
following services including but not limited to:

Our Services

Because of the extensive surgical experience Dr. Sunil Kumar MD has, KMC is also proficient in the following:

Cash, Card, and Insurance (Click to see if your insurance is accepted.)

Payment due at the time of service

Disclaimer: If you feel you are experiencing a medical emergency, please dial 911 or call the GA crisis hotline or ga poison control.

Our Contact Details

Open 7 days a week. Owned and ran by a licensed Medical Doctor. Registered Nurses on site at all times.

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